Saturday, June 2, 2007

The Lion Cub

While we are at it, I thought I might as well post the story of a lovely lion cub that I so adore...

With the tiger looking so big and bad...


The lions got worried. They had to find a way to strengthen their pride...


So they decided finally to have a baby...

Lion Couple

The buzz was gaining ground - The lion cub was on the way - The arch enemy hyena was greatly worried...


The grandparents eagerly awaited to welcome the new member into their family - So concerned were they that they even allowed a haggard humanoid (me!) into their amidst...


Finally - the moon hid behind the earth -

Moon Eclipse

And magic happened...

Lion King

The happiness was boundless. The parents roared away with joy...

Happy Lions

Even the humanoid was allowed again into their regal presence and pet the cub...

My Love

And again...

Lion Cub

And - would you believe it - yet again...

Lion Cub

Until finally the young cub smiled to the new world around him...

Lion Cub

The young cub learned under the shadow of his mother...

Lion Cub with Lioness

With time he grew - becoming a young lion who just wants to play and have fun...

The parents are delighted at their son's progress - and just can't hide the smiles...

Happy Lions

The young lion has become a man now - or at least is trying to ... :)

Looking forward to becoming the future king......!

Lion King


MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Meowz to you from Miss Peach! You are so furrrry brave to go into the lions den! Big cats are so precious. I love to watch them when they stalk across my TV box. My mombean has an amazing photo she took in Mexico of a tiger. I want her to post it on my bloggy soon. I'll let U no when she does.
I will visit U often so I can learn about my ancestors.
Thank you Miss Peach>(^,^)<

SgtMajor said...

this one is great
is that you?
You have a cool work i think!

Daisy said...

WOWIE! I love the story of the baby lion! How do you get to go inside with the lions? You are very very brave! I think if I went inside there they might eat me all up.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

THAT is an excellent story!!! Can't believe you went inside with the lions - brave human!!!!

HRH Yao-Lin xx

Kimo and Sabi said...

Wowy - that is one big cub! We finks he needs his own blog now!

MaoMao said...

Wowie kazowie, I agree with Kimo & Sabi, that'd be cool if the lion cub had his own bloggie! How brave of you to go in and hang around with the lions. They're all bee-yootiful, and so big!

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful lions! And so nice that they are your friends.

Christine and FAZ said...

Great story but weren't you a bit scared of the parents? FAZ

Anonymous said...

how awesome is it to see a baby lion?thier so nice!

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