Thursday, August 2, 2007

Happy Times

Well after a few hectic days at work, I am finally getting an evening off ~ so I'm able to blog again ~ Snow is totally fine after his meal the other day. His big eyes are brighter than ever and his long hair are growing back (when he came to me few months ago, he had lots of matted hair that caused most of his fur to shed - his new hair now are smooth and straight). Forest is doing great with her babies who are beginning to support themselves and try to walk.

In other good news - the cat blog reached its ten thousand visitors on the last day of July - I think it's nice progress for the first three months of a new blog/site. I hope people keep visiting and learn more about the great cats of the world. The long term goal is of course to some day start a conservation program/sanctuary for big cats at some point in future when I get settled - but that's still a long time off. So for the moment I think I ought to keep highlighting the great people who are already working for threatened and abused animals. I'll try and mention an animal sanctuary/conservation program monthly and hope some of the readers go across to their website and help these people in their noble contributions for the vulnerable.

This month's highlight belongs to the Shambala Preserve of the Roar Foundation. Located on the edge of the Mojave Desert, forty miles northeast of Los Angeles, California - the Shambala Reserve houses a large number of wild cats - it takes the abandoned and abused animals who desperately need our love and care. I've gone through their site and I think these people are doing great work and need our support. The sanctuary is presided over by the marvelous actress Tippi Hedren whose great work in the Alfred Hitchcock thriller 'Marnie' I came across recently. You can visit the Shambala Preserve website by clicking here.

Meanwhile there is lots of excitement in the house as the kittens have stepped up their meowing and their attempts at standing and walking.


Andree said...

OMG they are wonderful! That little one near mom's head, hanging off of her upside down is a riot! They are so healthy and are flourishing.

MaoMao said...

Awwww, what a bee-yootiful and adorable kitty family! I'm so glad they're doin' so well.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

caspersmom said...

It is so sad how people treat the big animals. Tamara has a marvelous face, so beautiful and Patrick looks so dignified with his paws crossed in front of him. Magnificent Leo and Kara. Sounds like maybe the only big cats and animals left will be in refuges. I pray your dream will come true Omer, it's a very worthwhile one.

Forest you are so darn cute with your babies. You are a good Mom.

Anonymous said...

Omer, you are doing excellent and much-needed work for the big cats, and my brother and sisters and I -- and my mom -- commend you!

Awwww, the video of Forest with her babies melted my heart. Just precious beyond words!!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that your family is doing so well.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

That is very very very sweet of the video, I saw it for many many times.

Gretchen said...

Oh, those babies are so darling. They've got a good mother.

Karen Jo said...

Shambala Reserve looks like a very deserving refuge for big cats. The kitten are precious and will be mobile soon. Then the fun really begins.

Lux said...

Those babies are absolutely precious - Forest is a great mom!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

The kittens are adorable! Very sweet video. :) Glad the entire feline family is doing well. :)

Daisy said...

Those kittens are so cute, they look like little cotton balls!

The Cat Realm said...

I Dare You...!
Come on over and check it out.

Around Your Wrist said...

those are such sweet babies! it's fun to watch them grow, isn't it?

lucy refused to be weighed last week. so i'm not sure how much bigger she's gotten. she's certainly getting longer! uncle jerry is coming to visit this afternoon...and mom will have him with the weighing...

ben fuzz
lucy fur

ps too bad that it's going to be a long time before you can come to the states. it's a good place to live.

Sasha said...

What pretty little ones. I certainly pricked up my ears when I heard their little meows and purrs on the video.

Unknown said...

Great work, cat-man. I am following your progress.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

I have seen the program about tippi Hedrons efforts with the cats! Very impressive indeed!
Those babies just meltmy heart and forest has such expressive topaz colored eyes...happy family!
Love Miss Peach who is so happy you came for a visit

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