Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sand Cat

Sand CatOne of the smallest of the wild cats, the sand cat is a beautiful desert cat ranging from Sahara in North Africa to the arid regions of Iran and Pakistan in West and South Asia. A little cat, it weighs nearly six pounds and is around one and a half to two feet long, excluding its one foot long tail.

Living in some of the hottest places of the planet, Felix Margarita, the Sand Cat is adapted to its lifestyle. Its thick fur protects it from cold desert nights whereas the mesh of hair on the under-surface of paws shield it from the scorching sand in day time. Color is sandy yellow with irregular black bars on torso, legs and tail. Face is broad and ears are long and pointed - enabling it to hear over long distances in the vast expanses of deserts. Reddish markings run along the side of eyes and back of ears. Chin and throat are white. Claws are usually blunt owing to dearth of places in the desert for their sharpening.

A solitary feline, the Sand Cat is primarily a nocturnal hunter. It spends the day hiding in burrows, beneath rocks and bush. At night it uses its sensitive ears and great digging skills to take down a variety of prey from above and beneath the ground - including gerbil, jerboas, insects, birds and even venomous desert snakes. It frequently hides the prey beneath sand to return and feed later.

Sand Cat is divided into a number of subspecies according to its geographical distribution as shown by the map:

Felix Margarita Margarita (North Africa)

Felix Margarita Harrisoni (Arabia)

Felix Margarita Thinobia (Iran)

Felix Margarita Scheffeli (Pakistan)

Sand CatAn elusive animal, the sand cat is difficult to track in the wild. It doesn't necessarily visit water holes since it fulfills all water requirements from the consumption of prey. It leaves no tracks in sand and remains hidden for most of the day. Males and females only come together in mating season. The cat produces a somewhat loud barking sound that enables communication over long distances in the desert. Usually two litter are born every year after a pregnancy lasting nearly two months, with four to five kittens being the average on each occasion. The young mature fast, being weaned off at a month and a half and gaining independence at around four months.

Owing to its reclusive lifestyle and certain religious beliefs that make the sand cat revered in many areas of its habitat, it is not extensively persecuted - allowing it to remain in healthy numbers in the wild - though it is still collected for pet trade and hunted for sport!


Christine and FAZ said...

I love reading about all these interesting and amazing felines that I didn't know existed. The sand cat is particularly attractive and interesting. Thanks for telling us. FAZ

Anonymous said...

They are awfully cute but I do hope that not too many people are trying to take them as pets!

caspersmom said...

I have never heard of the Geoffrey cat or the Sand cat before, but I have heard of and seen the Ocelot in zoos. I didn't know there were other small species of cats like these. The Geoffrey and Sand cats are so cute. Omer, your site is so informative, but I think I have said that before. No matter, it is informative and I am learning more about cats and the different species and their habitats. So interesting that the Sand cat lives in the desert.

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Sasha said...

this sand cat is very pretty. Thank you for all the fascinating information.

Andree said...

What a gorgeous cat. Religion does have it's purpose: it alone is responsible for protecting many animals. I'm sickened by the unlawful and sadistic trade you mentioned.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

This has to be the cutest cat you have ever introduced us to Omer! I love the eye makeup...looks very Egyptian. So many amazing creatures live on our planet....when will be take our cue from nature and begin to love the world instead of destroying it?
Thank you as always for your broadening of our horizons...
Love Miss Peach

Lux said...

The Sand Cat looks adorable. It's funny that it barks!

Mickey's Musings said...

Thanks to you ,I am learning about cats I never knew existed.Thank you for having a blob that introduces us to these fine creatures.

Tara said...

What an amazing little cat! Thanks so much for sharing this.

Oregongirl82 said...

What an unusual cat! And so beautiful. So interesting to read about ... I'd never know it existed if I hadn't wandered into your blog!

Parker said...

What a pretty cat! Wow, just beautiful!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

That's really interesting! Love your article on the ocelot too. My SS (secretary/slave) once had breakfast with a pair of ocelots in Brazil, played with a litter of ligers but had never come across these lovely sand cats during her frequent fieldwork trips in the Iranian desert. Thanks for introducing them!

Monica said...

What an interesting little cat! I thought at first that the first picture was a young cat, but then the kitten at the bottom showed that the above one was an adult.

Top Players said...

Great post with great knowledge. Thanks for sharing this post.

Amanda said...

Great blog. It is very interesting and very well done. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

what is 3 interesting facts? its very interesting but i am doing a project and i got all the info i need but plz tell me 3 interesting facts!!!!

Anonymous said...

those things are so cute! though i never heard of them until today.

Anonymous said...

i love kitties

Anonymous said...

I love the sand cat! So cute!

Anonymous said...

Sand cats are so cute! I like the way it barks.

Anonymous said...

How long do you think are left in the world?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know when they might become into extinction?

meghan q said...

i think think the sand cat is also a beautiful cat,I am also doing a project on this cat it is also called a sand dune cat

Anonymous said...

AWWW! im doing a report on the sand cat i just think there So cute!

hana said...

this cat is soooo pretty!!! :)

Anonymous said...

AWWW! im doing a report on the sand cat i just think there So cute

Anonymous said...

im doing a report on them theyre so cute but i need more info

Anonymous said...

thank you so much for the information. i am doing a report on the sand cat so it is very helpful.

Anonymous said...

Cool reaserching and found this sooo Awsome and cute

Anonymous said...

yea but i cant find informtion

Anonymous said...

what is being done to help the sand cat?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

they're soooo cute i want one

Anonymous said...

U guys never answered the question properly.............
does not matter if there cute...............
and the question never asked if there interesting...............
but wat is rite is tht u should stop being cruel to themmm.

Anonymous said...

thnx for the infooo
im doin a project on it tooo

Johnny gunter said...

This Cat is nearly extinct and very endangered I am proud to own two of them.

Anonymous said...

i love the sand cat

Anonymous said...

this cAT

Anonymous said...

i have to do a project on it

Anonymous said...

This really helped w/ my project

Anonymous said...

this is helping with my science progect that is about these wonderful and beautiful creatures.

Anonymous said...

This didnt give me enough information on what a sand cat needs to survive

Anonymous said...

guys.................................................theyre extinct

Anonymous said...

thank you!this is the cat im doing a project on< thanks for the information.

Anonymous said...

didnt help ata ll

Anonymous said...

didnt help at all

Anonymous said...

this helped heaps thnks <3

Anonymous said...

this is soooooooooooooooooooooo helpful
THANKS A LOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Anonymous said...


Alex John said...

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