Thursday, November 15, 2007

New Babies!!!!!!

Wow it's simply incredible ~~ Forest just had new babies ~~ just four months after her previous babies - Forest again has given birth to four wonderful kittens. I simply cannot believe it ~ just yesterday I was feeling so sad for the earlier kittens that I had to let go to their furrever homes ~ and today there is new life in the house ~~ God surely has His ways!!!

Fortunately all the babies are doing fine. Sorry I haven't been visiting everybody's blogs that much ~ will try and do that later tonite or tomorrow ~ love and take care u all :)


The Meezers or Billy said...

oh wow! only 4 months? purrrsss to you Forest, and your sweet little ones!

Anonymous said...

Purrs to Forest. I'm sure she's a wonderful Mom

Anonymous said...

Dear Omer,
They look cute, but it is worrying for Forest to have so much drain on her health by a second litter so soon. In the picture it appears as if she has not cleaned herslef up or the kittens, which is very unusual. Watch her carefully to be sure she is not sick.

Could you arrange to have Snow neutered very soon so this is not repeated a third time?

Good luck.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

What beautiful kittens. Concatulations to Forest and Snow.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

oh how sweet. I hope she is OK cos 4 months is not a very long time and she might end up with post natal depression like britney spears. x

Fat Eric said...

I hope the kittens are OK. Maybe now you should get Forest spayed because it's not much fun for her having litter after litter of kittens. Sorry, just our thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations with the new litter!

But we are also a little worried. I looked in the older post to see if this litter is maybe an accident, but I found nothing. My staff breeds with Cornish Rexes and there is only a litter once a year or every other year. Except for three, we all are spayed or neutered.

Friendly headbutts,

Samantha & Mom said...

Pretty babies Forest!!
Your FL furiends,

Hot(M)BC said...

Concatulations Forest! Those babies are so cute!

Lux said...

These seem to look like Forest rather than Snow!

Victor Tabbycat said...

Concatulations to you all! Extra kibbles fur the parents!

Monica said...

Wowie! Look at that lot of furry kitten. I hope they are all healthy and Forest gets her rest. Take good care of them all Omer.

Karen Jo said...

That's not very long at all between litters. I hope Forest and the kittens are all healthy. The kittens do seem to look more like Forest than Snow this time.

Mickey's Musings said...

Four little kitties. They will be very pretty fo sure.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Good luck to Forest and the new babies ... Gosh, four months is a really short refraction time between litters.

caspersmom said...

Goodness Snow you sure are keeping Forest busy. Take care with your cuties Forest.

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