Thursday, April 10, 2008

Leopard facts

LeopardHere are thirteen facts about leopards:

1. Leopards are the most successful and cunning among big cats.

2. Like most cats, leopards are solitary creatures that hunt mainly at night.

3. Leopards have a very beautiful coat with a tawny background and rosettes, that aids them in camouflage.

4. The Snow Leopard is a most remarkable cat that operates in extremely difficult terrain and climate conditions at the top of the world - the Himalayas.

5. The Clouded Leopard has the longest canines amongst cat species.

6. The Amur Leopard is one of the most endangered animals in the world.

7. The Bornean Clouded Leopard is one of the most significant newly discovered mammalian species.

8. Leopards are masters of stealth and extremely difficult to trace and locate in the wild.

9. Pound for pound, leopards are the strongest among big cats.

10. Leopards are the best tree climbers amongst big cats and are capable of taking prey that is twice their body weight, up a tree.

11. Melanistic variants among leopards - black leopards - are known as panthers.

12. Leopards are territorial animals and regularly mark and defend their domain against intruders.

13. Maneating leopards always operate at night since unlike tigers they never lose their fear of man and only enter human territories in the cover of darkness - according to famous hunter turned conservationist Jim Corbett. This makes them very difficult to counteract.


Anonymous said...

Leopards are amazing Big Cats. We think we might be part leopard because we are also masters of stealth!

Anonymous said...

beautiful creatures, and interesting facts. thanks

Quasi said...

Humans have often mistaken me for a white leopard. I'm sure you can see the resemblance.

Mr. Hendrix said...

leopards are incredible. i love that photo too. i like to think i'm stealthy, but i think those leopards have me beat!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo and interesting facts.I learned alot ...Thanks :)

meemsnyc said...

Those are very interesting facts about Leopards.

caspersmom said...

As always Omer, very interesting facts. Enjoyed reading it. We deal with the little cats and always great to read about the big ones.

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

Very interesting. When I was really little I use to live close to a place called Marine World. Every year our class would go on a field trip, and my favorite part was always seeing the "big cats!"

Anonymous said...

Wow -- I didn't know most of that! You learn something new every day! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Hi there!

Great post about leopards. Although I think you got a fact mixed up with jaguars:

9. Pound for pound, leopards are the strongest among big cats.

-The Jaguar, in a recent National Geographic special titled “In Search of the Jaguar,” was named pound for pound the strongest animal in the world.(emphasis added)

In addition to this, the jaguar also has the strongest bite force of any big cat.

snowforest said...

Thanks for your observation Joe - Jaguars do have the greatest bite force among cats and they are quite strong but they are not the strongest cat - pound for pound leopards are extremely strong, carrying large prey animals both horizontally and vertically - clouded leopards in particularly are exceptional in the strength department. Peter Hathaway Capstick, the great hunter who had a close interaction with both Jaguars in the Amazon and Leopards in the African bush - testified to the superior strength of leopard among big cats per body weight. If you read Jim Corbett's accounts of the maneating leopards of Panar and Rudraprayag, you will be amazed by the unbelievable power of the leopard. Experts universally maintain that leopards can carry carcasses that are upto two to three times their body weight up a tree - for a three hundred pound Jaguar that would be equivalent of carrying around a nine hundred pound animal vertically - something quite hard to imagine!

Anonymous said...

i luv u guys :D

Unknown said...

Thats right and 200lbs is only a leopards average weight,as for a full grown leopard i guarantee it can get as big as a 250lb Jaguar.Another thing thats a fact is a Jaguar has the hardest bite amongst big cats pound for pound.actually a female leopard can carry 3 times her weight up a tree while a male can haul 5 times his weight into a tree.A leopard is 10 times stronger than a human or feline around the same weight and the average human can lift twice their own weight so thats 2 tons in all that a leopard can drag around but not up into a tree

leopard said...

hey!!... these facts are really helpful...
but if only anyone could let me know wat are the diseases and nutritional deficiencies commonly seen in leopards... it would be of great help for my seminar on leopards...
thanks :)

Anonymous said...

<3Tim>3 is a leapord himself, and stalks his younger prey in candy shops.

Monty Sutcliffe said...

Monty Sutcliffe says

Leopards! They're Great!

Anonymous said...

i think the pic. is kind-of scary, but he's
still really cute

Anonymous said...

great!! i can defenitley use this stuf for my research paper!! thanks

Anonymous said...

i think leopards are awesome! so cute too !! <3

Genealogy said...

Thanks for sharing these facts, it sure is interesting!

Anonymous said...

leopards rock

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! I love snow leopards! I am doing a fiction story on them and Clouded and African leopards. They are strong, yet graceful. The ninjas of the animals. It could kill you without a sound. Or a deer.... If there sre any.....

Anonymous said...

they need to stop being killed

Anonymous said...

Wow! I lot of facts i dont want to read! to much info on one site!

Anonymous said...

I actually used the fact that leopards can carry twice their weight into a tree As a pickup line. It worked.

Anonymous said...

I luv leopard!!!!!!!! they rock!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I love leopards, but the comment that they are, pound for pound, the strongest cat is false. Jaguars are the strongest cat, pound for pound.

mike mc said...

Jaguars are the strongest cat on earth pound for pound. Jaguars have the most powerful jaws of all cats (not just pound for pound). The Jaguars jaws are so powerful they can crush the armored shell of the large turtles. No other cat can do that. Jaguars are known as "The Skull Crushers of South America" because they kill their prey by crushing their skull with their massive jaws. Jaguars in the 300 plus pound range can drag an 800 prey animal up a tree. Lets see a Leopard, Lion or even Tiger try that! For stealth, grace and cunning no cat beats the Leopard though and they're no slouch in the power dept either!

Anonymous said...

The thing is, I've heard the pound-for-pound strength of Lepoards vs. Jaguars both ways. About Leopards carrying huge carcasses up trees, it is probably due to the fact that they have the strongest neck muscles, specifically, as well as being the best climbers. That said, Jaguars are the most densly muscled of big cats, and seemingly have the highest mass-to-volume.

Anonymous said...

I think Leopards are cool but I guese you stay away from because they can swallow you whole.................... but that is just what I heard from an scientist himself.

Anonymous said...

i bet most of you guys came here to verify daniel tosh's stand up comedy statement that these cats can carry up to 2 times it own body weight in a tree

Unknown said...

i love this site!!!!

Anonymous said...

Im doing a project on Leopards, I picked that animal because I love all Leopard fur and designs<3 Thanks! :]

Anonymous said...

Leopardsssssssssssssssssssssssssss<3 YEAH BUDDY!

Anonymous said...

yea i got a a+ in english

Anonymous said...

i loooooooooooooooove leopards my cat called leopardstar and her fur is just like a leopards

Anonymous said...

this is a really gooooooooooood website --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------by uzmar hassan

Anonymous said...

Also a neat fact leapords spots are not all round some are square and the spots are as unique as a human fingerprints!

Anonymous said...

i love leopards. are my favorite big cat

Anonymous said...

leopards are awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i love leopards

Anonymous said...

I love cats and I love leopards this website is awesome THANKS!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow they r amazing cats.

Anonymous said...

These animals are amazing!!!

Anonymous said...

There's a great Nat'l Geog. DVD "Eye of the Leopard." Absolutely beautiful cats. They've got so much strength coupled with agility that they can haul an impala up a tree within a few seconds (if they don't, hyenas or baboons will get 'em...and I'm not just talking about the impala--baboons in a troop can attack leopards). I don't know if a jaguar would haul a horse into a tree--doubt that, but jags can certainly kill horses. Their bite is so strong that turtle shells bust apart--they've got jaws like a pit bull and canines as strong as a leopard's:

Anonymous said...

leopards are beautiful

clayawesome said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
clayawesome said...


clayawesome said...

I love leopard<3

clayawesome said...


Anonymous said...

The leopards are by far my favorite big cat. I'd just like to know if it is the best at anything above all other cats.

Anonymous said...

leopards are beautiful cats i hope they dont go extinct

Anonymous said...

yep, daniel tosh brought me here haha!

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