Saturday, June 14, 2008

Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest CatAmongst the most beautiful of all cats is the Norwegian Forest Cat. A stunning feline with a luxurious coat and great looks, this cute cat originated centuries ago in Northern Europe. It is known thus in its native lands as Norsk Skogkatt, meaning literally 'Norwegian Forest Cat'. Though it is a natural breed, it is neither a wild cat nor feral. In fact it was quite common as a domestic cat in Norway before it was formally appreciated and recognized as a breed in Germany in the late nineteen thirties.

The appearance of the cat is a customization to the wintry climate of Scandinavia. The coarse double layered coat protects it from cold and the large size retains warmth better as in case of the Maine Coon. In fact many consider the Norwegian Forest Cat to be an ancestor of the Maine Coon, even as the former is slightly smaller in size. Males reach close to twenty pounds in weight occasionally, with females being half that size. Coat exists in a variety of colors and patterns and is woolly underneath and glossy on the surface. Profile is straight and hind legs are longer than front legs. Face is triangular with almond shaped eyes, tufted ears and an overall expression that is quite sweet and endearing.

Norwegian Forest Cats
A slow growing breed, Norwegian Forest Cats take between four to five years before they are fully developed. They are compact and independent felines and are quite capable of moving about in the outdoors and withstanding cold climates. Their distinct bushy tail and impressive mane are not just a source of great beauty but also effective protection in low temperatures.

Norwegian Forest CatIntelligent and playful, the Norwegian Forest Cats share many attributes with Maine Coons. They are sweet yet not overly demanding and are quite adept at grooming and maintaining their coat, being at ease in a large household. These robust animals are good climbers and are well built for an active lifestyle. The fur doesn't shed nor matt readily and requires grooming only once a week. Though not overly demonstrative the lovely Norwegian Forest Cats are affectionate and enjoy human company, being great pets as well as objects of true magnificence.

Images © Vicki Longoria -


Anonymous said...

Aren't they impressive our Norwegian neighbours?!

Mia Celeste said...

Gosh, they are beautiful.

Mickey's Musings said...

That is a great write up on Norwegian cats!!! Lovely pictures too!!
Purrs Mickey

Exotic chocolate tasting guide said...

I have a NFC for 7 years, got heim when he was 1 yr old. Don't have papers, found him at the pound. How can I be sure he is a Wegie. He looks like any picture I've seen.

Unknown said...

We inheritied a NVC from a newphew and appreicated your information and the ancestory; we are concerned about our cats weight; male and near 18 pounds and see other cats are also large; WHAT AN ELEGANT LOVING BREED;
Mark and Barb Germain

snowforest said...

Thanks for stopping by Mark and Barb and congratulations on getting to share your life with one of these adorable felines. They are indeed very elegant and loving animals. Being amongst the largest of the domestic cat breeds, they often reach weights in the range of fifteen to twenty pounds, particularly in the case of males. Eighteen pounds is thus not an extraordinary weight for a NFC. Just make sure he gets an ideal mix of diet, exercise and love :)

Anonymous said...

I too found my NFC at the Cats' Protection Legue. He has graced my life for 10 years and I love him dearly. Now he is ill with renal problems and the vet said he may make 18 months. He is the best cat in the world, keeps to himself a lot of the time but he is always close by. Every day he comes for a big cuddle, paws on my shoulders, purrs in my ear. He loves to chase his round bicis around the kitchen floor. To see him at night is the best, he shimmers in the darkness, seeming to float just above the ground, 100 times more alive than I. It is a privilege to share my home with him.

Anonymous said...

This looks so like my mums cat - quite the most beautiful animal I ever seen, but had been born feral and has never trusted humans. He is now 14 and still as magnificent. I had to put him into his carry case today to go to the cattery as my parents are on holiday and spent the rest of the morning in the hospital. It's been lovely to read all the lovely comments about this breed as he is so beautiful. It's just a pity that in this case has not been able to be domesticated

Anonymous said...

My NFC is the best cat I have ever owned. She is a good huntress. She loves to sleep outside even on very cold and snowy nights. But also won't turn down the opportunity to sleep at the foot of my bed. Her hair gets matted sometimes around her gorgeous white ruff especially now that she is 16 years old. She never gets on kitchen counters, ignores even fresh fish or cheese or butter when it is out on a plate. The only food that she will trespass on the table for is cantelope...yes cantelope! I wish I could clone this cat she is such a gem!

Anonymous said...

my forest cat is huge, has never sat on my knee is 16 years but will sit close to me and have a fuss.. The best cat I have ever had, loves winter and hates summer, she sleeps by a fan !!!

Anonymous said...

These cats are my favorite. I love them!!!

Anonymous said...

We adopted a male that was 1 1/2 years old. We have had him for over a year and he is a wonderful animal. He is sweet, calm and the most relaxed animal I've ever had. He loves to share a chair with my 89 year old mother.

Anonymous said...

yea i got one big ass cat living under my trailer hes wild but the biggest cat i ever seen i think it is a Norwegian cat

Anonymous said...

Cats are so beautiful,,clever,,full of fealing,,gracious what more can i Say

Anonymous said...

we had a feral cat living in our village for 2 years. He was afraid of humans and would run away if approached too close. we put food out for him every day and this summer my wife managed to get him to come to her. He was in poor condition with his coat matted and tangled and needed to be taken to vets to be shaved. He is now in great shape and we have just discovered he is a Norwegian F C. He is the most affectionate animal you could have and loves to be stroked and have his tummy tiggled
We feel so lucky he chose us to look after him

Unknown said...

I love my NFC Samora. He is a big boy at 22 pounds, but he is such a love. He loves to lay across my upper chest when I am laying down. (The weight and fur almost suffocates me but it's ok). He is the most affectionate of my cats and can tell whenever someone is upset and tries to comfort them.

Anonymous said...

We were lucky to get our beautiful boy due to time wasters - he is magnificent - a truly gentle giant. He to struggled in the summer heat last year, and loves his cuddles at bed time. What a wonderful breed!! We love him to bits

Anonymous said...

I have a one year old male and female NFC, they truely are very sweet and lovelable kittens. Never seen such a beautiful fur and beautiful eyes in a cat.
They look so much like your picture on display. I look forward for them to have a full shinning fur in 3 years time.

Teresa Halminton said...

The looks like my cat with mane :) Beautiful cat breeds.

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