Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Bengal Tiger up close in my latest photography escapades...


Anonymous said...

what a beautiful wild cat - you can see our domestic cats in them can't you, so proud and majestic. happy ww

Sasha said...

What a beautiful photo. You are certainly an excellent photographer.

sammawow said...

What a beautiful tiger! Nice shot!

catsynth said...

Impressive photo. You captured the Tiger's face and profile quite well.
I hope you didn't get too close to take it.

Unknown said...

oh oh oh oh !!! *jumping for joy*

Quasi said...

That's exactly what I look like in my dreams. By the way, you might enjoy listening to my new iMix, called "Quasi's Cool Cat iMix." The list of songs is on my blog at if you don't have iTunes.

Mickey's Musings said...

What a handsome cat!!!!!!!!!!

Lux said...

Such a regal pose - love the photo!

MaoMao said...

oh wowie kazowie, absolootely gorgeous! You are a superduper photograffer.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

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