Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Justice for Lion Killers

I'm very glad to report that justice has finally been served for the poachers who killed a lioness this June in a ranch next to the Amboseli National Park in southern Kenya. These are the same parts where Nat Geo has set up an emergency fund to save the rapidly vanishing lions. Sadly the animal killed was an adult lioness - an animal with good breeding potential to resuscitate the dwindling population numbers - even sadder is the fact that she wasn't killed as a result of some conflict with the natives - she was speared to death for money - for her claws, that the poachers could sell and profit. You can read more about the story and witness her pitiful severed paw here.

Naturally it was a very sad incident and it was therefore somewhat heartening to learn at the informative wildlife direct blog yesterday that a strong sentence has been levied upon the lion killers. They face quite a hefty fine or three years in prison. This is also going to send a strong message to would-be hunters and deter them from killing the few remaining magnificent lions in that part of the world. You can read all about this here:


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