Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

They belong in the wild...not in somebody's backyard...

zoo tiger

...say 'No' to private ownership of exotic pets...


Anonymous said...

Poor, poor Tiger! He wants to go home!

Guttu said...

I too think that the fact is real. Why someone need to keep a lion as pet?? They look great in wild not in the cages.

The Nonsense Blog

Anonymous said...

Well, I tried to leave a comment but something went "poof!" and it was gone, so once again:

Poor one should cage up and own such a grand creature. This kind of thing just breaks my heart.

Colby and Cheddar said...

Tigers need big open plains and spaces to hunt and leap and drink water from fresh flowing streams and rest in the shade and bask in the sun and...anyway, we agree with you!

The only kinds of "zoos" we like are the ones with great big natural exhibits, not cages and bars. And no one should have a "pet" tiger!

Anonymous said...

It's such a cruel practice we have of caging animals for our own amusement. Thanks for posting about this issue

catsynth said...

Poor tiger. It's sad to see them being kept in cages as pets. Fortunately, there are a lot of great rescue organizations to help.

Anonymous said...

I've taken quite a liking to the Pallas Cat, though I'd never seek out the "pet" industry. So I have a picture of one on my iPod.

I went to a rescue zoo. On many cages there were notes that said, "Destroyed Livingroom While Owner Was Away" and things of that sort. One of the workers told me that there are 10,000 pet tigers in Texas alone.


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