Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bobcat Facts

BobcatHere are thirteen facts about Bobcats:

1. Bobcats belong to the Lynx genus of felines and are the smallest of the four Lynx cats.

2. Modern Bobcats appear to have evolved around twenty thousand years ago from the Eurasian Lynx.

3. Bobcats are highly adaptable and are seen in a variety of habitats all across the United States.

4. Their population is limited northwards where they are replaced by their larger cousin, the Canadian Lynx.

5. Medium sized predators, Bobcats are twice as large as domestic felines and may reach a length of around four feet, including their short tail.

6. The short 'bobbed' tail is what gives these cats their name, and is seen in all the Lynx cats.

7. Bobcats are made distinct by their prominent ear tufts, hair ruff on face and the characteristic black-tipped tail that is white on the underside.

8. Physical attributes of Bobcats vary in accordance with their geographical distribution. The cats in the colder, forested northern territories are generally bigger with a darker, denser fur whereas the ones in south are often relatively small and pale in coloration.

9. Despite their size, Bobcats are amongst the most successful predators in North America owing to their adaptability and wide prey base.

10. Bobcats can take down prey animals that are eight times their own weight. They routinely kill deer and sheep in parts of their range.

11. Stalk and ambush predators, Bobcats rely on stealth to sneak up to the prey before employing their proportionately long powerful hind legs to generate great bursts of speed, reaching up to fifty kilometers an hour.

12. Solitary and territorial animals, Bobcats are graceful yet fierce predators and are revered in Native American folklore for their courage.

13. Despite being hunted excessively for sport and fur trade in the past, the resilient Bobcats have managed to survive in large numbers throughout United States and are thus currently given a conservation status of 'Least Concern' by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN).


Mia Celeste said...

Bobcats are cool. Thanks for sharing the facts on them. Happy TT!

Joyful Days said...

Beautiful animals!! Happy TT!

Suzie said...

And they are beautiful

Anonymous said...

Many bobcats prefer to be called "Robert" LOL

But seriously - very informative - cats are my favorite creatures

BeadedTail said...

I learned some things about Bobcats today! Great post!

Unknown said...

Cool! Nice Post.:)

Unknown said...

I'm doing research on bobcats for school and this really helped!!

Anonymous said...

Cathy said .. I have one on my property and needed to know how to live with it! Thanks for the information.

Anonymous said...

i love them so much their just so cute

artie davis said...

what the hell it don't say what bob cats eat

snowforest said...

Read Fact # 10. For further detail, go to the animal's profile here:

Anonymous said...

i love u all i want to have physical relations with u people

Anonymous said...

Their main diet is rabbits along with mice, birds, squirels, and deer.

Anonymous said...

Bobcats did not evolve, they were created. Evolution is a theory. Teaching it as a fact is false and missleading information. If evolution was true the eath's layers would be aranged from oldest to youngest. And there has never been any found evidence of a missing link, all remains have been proven to be false... but yah bobcats are awesome...

Anonymous said...

This is so cool it gives me facts that I don't know.... RJ

Anonymous said...

idc about it

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I thought bobcats were beautiful until one came up on the deck of my home and grabbed my beautiful siamese cat and killed her. Two feet from the main door to the house.

rebecca said...

I love bobcats. i love the comments

Anonymous said...

im doing a report on them

Anonymous said...

me 2

Anonymous said...

I walked out my basement door in south central Wisconsin this morning at 5:30 a.m. to two Bobcats 10 feet away from me. The smaller one of the two, ran to the edge of the woods, while the larger one (about 1.5-2ft tall) stood there looking at me and I at him. This lasted for about 1-2min. and then they left. I t was the first time that I ever seen one in the wild and not at a zoo. I called the neighbors to see if they had seen them in this area before, 2 of my neighbors have. But each person has only seen them once. 1 person saw a pair about 15yrs ago and they other about the same time, although the one says she still hears them in the swamp below her house every once in awhile. I'm going to set up a trail cam to see if I can a pic of one. From what I've researched so far, this will not be easy. They are hardly ever seen! It was very exciting to me to have seen them up close, I hope I see them agian some time!

snowforest said...

Fascinating experience! Good luck with the trail cam :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks this info really helps but i think u should have more info

Anonymous said...

Intrestingly, when they get into your chicken coop they will kill all the chickens and then eat their fill w/o distraction. Not a pretty site. Devastated my chickens.

Anonymous said...

Im doing a report on them and it realy helped!!!!!!!! I love this page

mariah said...

I have a Bobcat

mary said...

not realy

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ya ooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Anonymous said...

hi paige and jada

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

im going poop

Anonymous said...

anyone wanna come to meh home >_<

Anonymous said...

This helps! I like bobcats, and I am doing them for a school report.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anonymous, this page really helps! However, I got all the notes I can find on this site.

Bobcat Extrodanaire said...

this is sooooo cool!!!!!and i dont care if ur going poop!!!

Anonymous said...

what up my peeps

bob dude said...

my dad had bob cats in college he caught them and named them.

Anonymous said...

I have a bob cat bengal mix. he's pretty unpredictable and I rember one time he attacked our neighbors dog.

Anonymous said...

me too but she's very lovable and likes to make biscuts on u

Anonymous said...

I do like the Bobcats they are so cool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for help with my school report!


NoName said...

These are really interesting facts about bobcats. I never knew them before. Thanks for sharing these so I could complete my assignment. You're awesome!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I just recieved a picture of a bobcat on my trail cam.Awesome animal !

Anonymous said...

Needed this for an essay, thanks.

metalchick90 said...

Seriously, does every site have to have the stupid comments!! No one cares about your shout out to friends or your bathroom habits! Ppl come here to get facts, if you don't care you have the option to close the page, no one is forcing you to read it or leave your stupid comments. & @ Anonymous who said she has a bobcat that likes to make biscuits on u. Sounds like you have a main coon which can resemble a bobcat. A real wild bobcat is not going to kneed on you, that is very common in domestic cats. Bobcats are very solitaire animals which is why it is difficult to observe them in the wild until they get into your chickens or take a small pet. Which is just survival! No its not pretty but if you were hungry and couldn't go to a grocery store you would find a way to eat whether it be by stealing, begging or hunting. Want to keep your chickens build a better coop, your pets keep them in at night . These are after all wild animals and with the population increasing ppl are taking away their homes and other animals homes which puts us in their territory. They have a right to hunt and survive the same as we do!

Anonymous said...

No one can really have a bobcat mix
1. The bobcat would probably get rid of ANY domestic cat
2. The mix would probably be the size of a savanna cat, and you cannot get them on your lap to knead you
3. Bobcats are solitary creatures and even a mix would still have a bobcat's jeans.

Anonymous said...

I study cats a LOT, and I am really good with them. I am just really disappointed that I never saw one in real life. I have seen a clouded leopard before.

Anonymous said...

im doing a report to

Anonymous said...

I am studying bobcats for a project

Anonymous said...

You never mentioned if they are dangerous to people. We just found out we have one in our complex in Scottsdale, Arizona and we are freaking out.

Anonymous said...

i am doing a animal report on bobcats at school it so cool

alexis pina said...

I am doing a animal reserch at school & its cool
and u guy that are just texting here will u need to stop it

Anonymous said...

bobcats are so awesomely cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

dang those are a lot of facts

Anonymous said...

Wow! I am doing a school report, so this will help lots. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and most people, like me, do anonymous. Wonder why.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i like pie

Anonymous said...

Im doing a maine bord game about bobcats im allmost done

Anonymous said...

I <3 bobcats. :-) ROAR!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i love bobcats

Anonymous said...

amazing animals right

jenifferleio12 said...

This is actually a very informative article – not like most of what I see online. Thanks for the free share and looking forward to reading your updates! simply wow
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Unknown said...

you are a poop head

Anonymous said...

why dose it look like all boys commenting anyway thanks for the facts they were good to know since I live in the mountains

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Very nicely done.

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