Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wordless ~ Tiger Close-up


Hagar's Daughter said...

"I'm ready for my close-up!" Happy WW.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful "kitty" Happy WW!

jams o donnell said...

What a stunning photo. Happy WW

CK Ng said...

Nice eyes of the tiger. Happy WW! :)

Unknown said...

Close up they look so majestic.
Happy WW. Hope you'll pop by for my Wordless at The Cafe

BeadedTail said...


catsynth said...

Fantastic close-up of the tiger. Very expressive face.

DJ said...

What a great face!

CrazyCow said...

Thas one serious cat! Beautiful.

Mickey's Musings said...

WOW!!! That is one beautiful cat!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey

Lux said...

What a gorgeous face!

Black Cat said...

Oh, I love tigers and that one is so beautiful!

I'm very ashamed that you visited my blog some time ago and I didn't reply; I'm so sorry, coz your blog is great. I was amazed at the lions hunting elephants. I never heard of this or saw it before. :) xxx

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