Thursday, October 23, 2008

Good News

Couple of good news. First is the global ban on all kinds of ivory trade by the online auctioning site eBay. The momentous decision came just hours before the release of a report by International Fund for Animal Welfare that takes a particularly harsh look at the sale of illegal ivory online. You can read it here - Killing with Keystrokes. In any event, the decision by eBay to ban ivory sale and purchase, effective from January 1st 2009 is a very welcome one for conservationists and the depleting elephant numbers throughout Africa. I've always believed that poaching around the world is driven by global demand. And with this move a significant market for ivory products online is going to disappear. So hopefully the elephants will benefit as a result! More on eBay's blog.

The other good news is more for me actually ;) The talented photographer Vicki Longoria has agreed to provide her remarkable pictures of domestic cat breeds for reproduction on this site. Now hopefully I'll be able to add images to the profiles of domestic cats on this site, adding to the quality of experience of visitors. I've already added the first batch to the Norwegian Forest Cat - you can see them here. For more of Vicki's work you can go to


BeadedTail said...

That is great news about the ban on all kinds of ivory trade!

Vicki's photos are gorgeous!

I see that you've noticed that I tagged you today! I hope you play along but there is no obligation to do so! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm totally behind Ebay on this one. And great news for your site's pics - they are beautiful pictures! Have a great day

Sandee said...

Great news on the ban on ivory. I saw that somewhere yesterday.

As for the photographs. How wonderful.

Have a great day. :)

MaoMao said...

Furry good newsies all around! And Vicki's pickshures are so beeyootiful.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Svara said...

OMG I was shocked to read this but then again, what took them so long! This is great news. I knew someone who collected elephant trinkets and a friend bought her something carved in read ivory. Needless to say I was sickened by her love of elephants and she still took pride in owning that piece. Great news! Thanks for sharing!

Mickey's Musings said...

Banning ivory is great news!!
Vicki Longoria does lovely pictures too!!
Purrs Mickey

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