Saturday, October 18, 2008

Three year imprisonment for electrocuting five lions

A court in India has sentenced a person responsible for the death of five lions to electrocution last year, to three years rigorous imprisonment and a hefty fine. The person had released electrical current into the wired fence around his field, in a bid to protect his crops, when five lions came in contact with the fence and died instantly. The accused then proceeded to cover up the evidence that was only revealed after a probe into the whereabouts of the missing lions was conducted by authorities. 

Asiatic lions of India are critically endangered and each death by unnatural causes deals a heavy blow to the entire subspecies. Open wells, conflicts with humans, poaching and illegally erected electrical fences are amongst the prime dangers the three to four hundred remaining lions face in the Gir reserve in western India. More on the above story here.

Also, in India, three high ranking forest officials of Sunderban were removed after the recent tiger killing that made headlines across the country. Investigations are still underway in this case and three suspects have been apprehended, though it remains to be seen as to what measures are going to be introduced by the Indian government to reduce man-animal conflict and poaching in the delta. More here.


Liz said...

Five less valuable animals to keep the gene pool viable. I know how rare this sub-species of Lion has become - human-animal conflicts are becoming more and more of an occurrence as more people encroach more and more into the lions territorial ranges.

BeadedTail said...

I'm conflicted about whether or not the punishment fit the crime since the loss of those five lions is so tragic. I am happy to see that people are being punished for endangering lions and hopefully others will think twice about doing so in the future. Hopefully it's not too little too late.

Karen Jo said...

I am glad that the person responsible for the deaths of the five lions will spend some time in jail and pay a fine. I hope the fine money goes to the protection of the lions who are left. I am also glad that the people responsible for the death of the tiger lost their jobs, though it seems a light punishment.

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