Friday, November 28, 2008


Soooooo sorry I've been unable to post for the last couple of days. It's just that I'm a little caught up in a few things at the moment. Planning to move early next year. I've got to find good furrever homes for my cats now. Also my sis is getting married early next month. Bro and his family are visiting from UK. Then there is a major exam in early Feb that I've gotta prepare for. To add to that my internet went out the other day. The ISP told me I had exceeded my monthly 10 GB bandwidth limit! Imagine that - me using 10 GB in a month!!! So anyways lots of things keeping me preoccupied right now. I hope to be able to post with some regularity and visit your blogs from this Saturday or Sunday. Until then I'll leave you with these awards I got..

Michelle at Furkids and Animal Rescue, and Chris at The Cat/Dog Log gave me the Butterfly Award.

Michelle also gave me the Lemonade Award.

Many thanks to both these great bloggers. I'll pass these awards to the following really cool blogs...

Goings on at the Mad Bush Farm



Jewelled Ramblings



Have a great weekend guys! I'll see you soon :)


Liz said...

Hey you're back!!! I couldn't leave a comment on your last post so I'll tell you now. Incredible to find one intact. Thank you for the awards..I'm seriously blown away. Dream and Emerald say thank you too they are sitting either side of my computer about to stick their claws into a very unfortunate yours truly.

Purrs & Hugs to you and the kitties

Sandee said...

Congratulations on your awards. Well deserved. Have a terrific day and weekend. :)

Christine and FAZ said...

Well done on the awards - see you when you have more bandwidth. FAZ

MaoMao said...

ConCATulashuns on yur awardies! They are furry well-deserved. And thankies so much fur passin them to me! I feel furry honored. You are great furriends!

Life sounds furry buzzy fur you right now! ConCATulashuns to yur sis, and good luck with your exam!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Mickey's Musings said...

WOW!! Thank you so much for the awards!!!!! They mean a lot coming from you.
You do have a lot going on!!! I bet it will be very hard to give up the cats!! I cannot imagine. However,you are pursuing your dream and your future. It will be a sad day when you go. I hope that you will still say HI after the move.

Rascal said...

Congratulations and thank you! I am so honored! Purrs!

Jade said...

Aww, thanks! :) Glad to see ya around again. I'm surprised at how much I missed your drops :)

Lux said...

Congratulations on the awards, and thanks for thinking of me! I'll have to get on my mom's case again ... ;-)

Unbalanced Libra said...

I see you just got awards but... I have given you two awards! Please visit my blog to pick them up!
Thank you for commenting on my blog =)

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